Arts + Outdoor Events

Create Health and Wellbeing

In the Summer and Fall months, Crimson-Catskills operates in the verdant Hudson Valley and Catskills Mountains area in upstate New York, and infuses all of our offerings with the fragrant beauty and soothing atmosphere that being outside in Nature can provide.

Outdoor sound bath with gongs featuring Deep Space Soundscape, New Paltz, NY

We periodically co-host pop-up arts, music, and wellness events, designed to stimulate and unleash your creativity, and help you relax, and repair your body.

Sound Healing Events

Jennifer Muir performs a Tibetan bowl sound healing in Woodstock, NY. Photo by Rosie McCobb Photography

All of the arts and wellness activities we co-host are designed to promote relaxation, to allow the brain to slow down into a meditative state, and to regenerate the body’s energy.

Art Classes Focused on Nature

Artist with easel painting a view in the Catskills Mountains, photo by Rosie McCobb Photography

We feature two types of offerings:

  • “Direct participation” classes and workshops where everyone will be guided in a group physical activity, or practice some form of artistic expression

  • “Passive participation” classes and performances where everyone will sit or lie down in a quiet, soothing space to learn about modern arts and wellness techniques

Creating various forms of art or participating in guided group wellness activities can simply be a way to have fun and slow down from the obligations of everyday life, or they can be utilized to process, release, and heal chronic, physical or emotional pain.

We’ve spent several years researching, learning about, and trying deeper forms of alternative healing - while also keeping informed about the latest techniques and discoveries in traditional, Western psychology. We’ve found that utilizing all of these forms of healing can radically change one’s mood, mindset, physical energy, and coping skills.

We’re mindful of only offering experiences that take place under the right kinds of conditions, and are taught or led by knowledgeable, down-to-earth people who have the skills, kindness, and enthusiasm to make everyone feel comfortable and nurtured.

Guided Hikes and Nature Activities

Crimson-Catskills helps reset your Energy!